[Tokutei-KS041219] Unagi Tochigi Restaurant Staff – Recruitment in Japan (Closed)

Jobs in Japan - 1

I. Company information

1. Headquarter: Tochigi
2. Business area: Unagi restaurant

II. Recruitment information

1 Working location Kanuma City, Tochigi Prefecture
2 Visa Tokutei Ginou
3 Recruitment Number 3 (1 female, 2 male)
4 Recruitment Position Staff at Tochigi Restaurant
Job Description
Male: cooking
Female: logistics activities
6 Recruitment Request Possessed the Technical Certificate in Food Industry
JLPT N3 and above
7 Salary ~200.000 yen (Base salary: 173.000 yen + 12.500 yen allowance for 3 days)
8 Working hour 8 hours per day, Tuesday to Sunday
9:45 – 14:00 (15 minute break)
17:00 – 21:00
Weekly day off: Monday
Extra day off: one Tuesday each month
10 Benefits – Social insurance and work insurance
– Dormitory: 30,000 – 35,000 yen/month (excluding water and electrical bill)

III. Application method

Interview rounds: 1
Interview method: Online

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