Living and working Experience in Japan

Living and working Experience in Japan

In recent years, Vietnam and Japan have developed extremely close relationship, Japanese businesses have invested and set up more and more branches in Vietnam. Along with the increase of Japanese enterprises in Vietnam, the number of Japanese language learners who want to work for Japanese businesses or work with Japanese partners is also increasing. In addition, there are also people who not only want to work for Japanese businesses in Vietnam, but also want to go to Japan to experience the working environment of the Land of the rising sun.

To help candidates quickly adapt to life in Japan, Global Engineer will present some simple but useful experiences as follows.

Living and working Experience in Japan


As you all know, Japanese people are famous for being very serious and careful in everything. The strict management regulations help the production process operate smoothly, increase work efficiency and minimize deviations that directly affect the product quality. However, due to differences in culture and ways of thinking, many Vietnamese do not know about these regulations. Therefore, you should read the company’s internal rules carefully and learn from your Sempai so that you can adapt quickly in the new environment and work more effectively.


One of the particular traits deserved to learn from the people of the land of cherry blossom is their frugal lifestyle, not only in production but even in daily life. At work, Japanese always use all kinds of materials and human resources in the most economical way. In daily life, from belongings, houses to food, they follow the rule of buying just enough not buying too much or spending much money on unnecessary things. Therefore, in order to adapt and impress Japanese, you should discipline yourself to practice economy from now on. This will definitely make your life much simpler.


In Japan, the first thing you need to learn is the rule of bowing and saying “Sorry”. Japanese people often say “sorry” to people around them to show their goodwill. The act of bowing to others is very important and is a tradition of the people here, especially if other person is older or their superior, they always lowers down to show respect.


In recent years, people all over the world show admiration to the attitude of Japanese people. They are patient and adhere to the rules through the image of long lines of cars moving neatly into a row in a disaster evacuation. Similarly, even at the time of refuge or receiving relief goods, Japanese are also patient in line, without jostling, pushing others.

No matter which country we work in, we should learn carefully their regulations and culture to avoid making bad impression. Try to leave good memories of Vietnamese people in the hearts of friends worldwide in general and the Japanese’s in particular!